Welcome to Universal Authentication interactive demo!

What is Universal Authentication? It is a new way to authenticate users without passwords. It uses WebAuthn is a web standard that provides a secure and easy-to-use authentication mechanism for web applications. It allows users to authenticate themselves using biometric factors such as fingerprints or facial recognition, or by using a physical security key. WebAuthn is designed to be resistant to phishing attacks and other forms of online fraud, and it provides a higher level of security than traditional password-based authentication methods.


Section 1

First demo is a simple registration form. It will ask you to enter your username, but you dont need to enter a password. Instead, you will be asked to use your fingerprint or face to authenticate yourself.

Registration form

You can choose to use the timeline or the diagram to view the registration process.
Section 2

Authenticator Type

There are two types of authenticators: platform authenticators and cross-platform authenticators. Platform authenticators are built into the operating system and can only be used on the device where they are installed. Cross-platform authenticators are installed on a device and can be used on any device that supports WebAuthn.

Automatically choose the best authenticator to register.

Require user verification for registration